Friday, July 10, 2015
Wednesday, March 11, 2015
iOS App update: Today extension

A huge update for the Lilypie, Daisypath and PitaPata iOS Apps, I have added a Today extension for iOS 8 and made a lot of bug fixes and stability improvements for all platforms.
In iOS 8 you can now display your tickers in the Today pane. Tickers are sorted so that the next coming event is at the top. Click on a ticker to scroll to the next event. Click on Settings to select which tickers to display in the Today pane.
Thank you to everyone for all the great feedback, the problem with tickers and package downloads not always saving should now be resolved.
The Lilypie, Daisypath and PitaPata Android Apps are available on the Google Play store.
Thursday, September 25, 2014
PitaPata App for iPhone / iPad / iPod touch available on Apple store
In the PitaPata App you can create tickers for your Cat, Dog, or Horse to count to or from a special date, or set an annual event. You can display and share your cat, dog or horse's age, how long you have had them, new arrivals, show dates, you will always see which event is coming up next.
In Notify, you can set notifications to regularly display updated ticker text on your lock screen, as a banner or an alert.
In Share you can post full-size and mini-ticker images to Facebook, Twitter, send them via email or save tickers to your camera roll.
In Publish there is one click to copy code snippets you can use to publish updating ticker graphics on many websites, blogs, email and forum signatures.
The App installs with the minimum of images to keep the initial download small. Once installed you can download lots more images in FREE ticker packages listed in the Options: Available Packages section.
Wednesday, September 17, 2014
Daisypath App for iPhone / iPad / iPod touch available on Apple store
In the Daisypath App you can create tickers for Anniversary, Friendship, Birthday, Travel and Vacation, Graduation and Events.
In Notify, you can set notifications to regularly display updated ticker text on your lock screen, as a banner or an alert.
In Share you can post full-size and mini-ticker images to Facebook, Twitter, send them via email or save tickers to your camera roll.
In Publish there is one click to copy code snippets you can use to publish updating ticker graphics on many websites, blogs, email and forum signatures.
The App installs with the minimum of images to keep the initial download small. Once installed you can download lots more images in FREE ticker packages listed in the Options: Available Packages section.
Lilypie App for iPhone / iPad / iPod touch available on Apple store
In the Lilypie App you can create tickers for Pregnancy, Birthday, Trying to Conceive, Breastfeeding, Memorial and Events. Event tickers allow you to count to or from special dates such as Holidays, School starting, Adoption, or for Assisted pregnancies.
In Notify, you can set notifications to regularly display updated ticker text on your lock screen, as a banner or an alert.
In Share you can post full-size and mini-ticker images to Facebook, Twitter, send them via email or save tickers to your camera roll.
In Publish there is one click to copy code snippets you can use to publish updating ticker graphics on many websites, blogs, email and forum signatures.
The App installs with the minimum of images to keep the initial download small. Once installed you can download lots more images in FREE ticker packages listed in the Options: Available Packages section.
Android App update: Maternity Development stages ticker added
Of course, all babies are unique they gain weight and develop differently, the development text is only a general guide.
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Android App update: Support for multiple, independent and configurable widgets
When you put a Widget on your home screen, you can select the tickers you want to display on each Widget in the Widget Configuration page.
Double click on the widget if you want to change the tickers displayed. Single click on the widget if you want to refresh the ticker or cycle through a set of tickers.